Rug Wash: How To Properly Clean Up Your Rugs
Many people wonder what is involved in rug wash. First of all, it is a somewhat misleading term for rug cleaning because rug washing is actually quite a bit more involved than just taking it out of the box and putting it on the floor. It is not necessary to wash the rug by hand if you do not want to, but there are things that you should consider before you start. The first thing to know about rug wash is that you need to be aware of the materials that you are using in your clean-up job.
The fibers of the rug will be damaged if you apply too much pressure when you are trying to get them clean. If you are using a vacuum cleaner, be sure to check out how powerful it is before you start pushing the vacuum. You do not want to damage the fibers of the rug in the process because this can seriously reduce their life span. Instead of rushing to get the rug clean try to leave it alone for a day or two and then vacuum it again.
If you follow these steps you will be very pleased with the end result. You will be able to avoid destroying the fibers as well as damaging your rugs. If you already damaged the rug you can always start over with a new, clean-up job. This will prevent you from ruining the rug but it is not always possible.
When you are doing rug wash it is important to make sure that you have no chemicals, solvents, bleach, or other cleaning solutions on the rug before you start to clean it. This might sound obvious but if you spill something on a rug before you have it cleaned it can permanently stain it. Even if you follow the directions for rug wash you might still have to pick up the rug to re-clean it because some residue can remain behind after you have washed it.
After you have cleaned the rug, it is essential that you rinse it completely with warm water to remove any remaining detergent or solvent. The next step in the process is to apply the detergent and the solvent onto the rug. Do this thoroughly and allow it time to do its work. Then you should wring out the detergent completely using a towel. This allows any remaining dirt to be removed as well as any solvent leftover from the cleaner.
Next, you should blot or sponge the rug to get most of the solvent or detergent off of it. Wipe it up thoroughly but try not to wring it up too much so that you don’t leave any behind. Then you should blot or sponge the rug again with another towel to remove as much of the solution or detergent as possible. Allow the rug to dry in the proper manner. Follow these steps and you will soon see your rug looking as good as new again.