What You Need To Know About Persian Rug Restoration
You may have bought your carpet from a well-meaning individual, but have you actually taken the time to ensure that your purchase lasts for years to come? Buying an expensive Oriental rug is not a decision to be taken lightly, but it can be one of the most important home investments you will ever make. This is especially true if you are looking at purchasing a hand knotted Oriental rug, which can easily be damaged if not properly cared for. When it comes to Oriental carpets, prevention is always better than cure, so learning how to take proper care of these carpets is key. If you are ready to invest in your Oriental rug collection, read on for some helpful tips on how to maintain your prized possessions.
Cleaning Persian Rugs One of the most important things you can do to prevent damage to your Persian rug is to keep it clean. Persian carpets require special attention because they have a tendency to collect a lot of dirt, dust, debris, grime, oil, and even stains. To protect your investment, avoid storing your rug outdoors, instead place it in a fully enclosed area such as a basement, closet, or storage unit. Also, do not expose your Persian rug to direct heat or moisture, so cleaning it regularly should be done in the evening to minimize damage.
Cleaning Tools One of the most useful tools when it comes to cleaning your Persian rug is an Ahdoot tool. An ahdoot oriental rug cleaner is a squeegee that is specifically designed for cleaning the edges of your carpet, providing deep cleaning of deep crevices. While it is not absolutely necessary, using a vacuum cleaner is highly recommended to ensure that all corners of your Ahdoot are cleaned well. Once you are finished with cleaning your Ahdoot, store it in a sealed plastic bag to avoid any possible mold or mildew.
Routine Inspections Once you have taken great care of storing your Ahdoot, it is important that you schedule periodic inspections in order to determine any signs of wear. Some of the signs to look for are fringes, discoloration, holes, shrinking, uneven edging, rough edges, fringes that are loose, fringes that are frayed, excess water, or any other sign that your Persian rug restoration project might need to be undertaken. It is also important that you check for fringes caused by over-sizing. Over-sizing occurs when a carpet is put to too many uses in a short period of time. In this case, simply divide the number of people who will use the room (by room size) and then carefully reduce the amount of wool that each person will use while simultaneously changing out the type of rug they will be using (for example, silk and cotton are generally better suited for family rooms and living rooms while leather and jute are better suited for denser and more formal spaces).
Timing For optimal results, it is suggested that you clean your Persian rags no less than once a year. If you wish to clean your carpets on a regular basis, it is recommended that you get in contact with a professional carpet cleaner who will help you schedule the right cleaning schedule according to the condition of your carpets. The number one factor that influences the frequency of cleaning is the age of your carpets. In general, it is recommended that carpets be cleaned every six months or so, although this depends largely on the quality of the carpets.
Damaged backing You might be tempted to believe that damaged backing cannot be properly cared for. However, this is not true and most rug manufacturers recommend that you immediately remove any damaged backing from your carpets, regardless of the cause. The reason for this recommendation is simple – damaged backing will significantly impede the absorption of moisture into your carpets. In worst case scenarios, the dampness could cause the rug to mold or deteriorate in both the short and long term, even leading to the complete discoloration of the rug.